David Lehman David Lehman


I have always been fascinated by antiques. For as long as I can remember I have always had a passion to own one or two, if not more. The calling for old cars and classic Volkswagen things have fascinated me as well. Not just the life style those items entailed, but the beautify in the craftsmanship of things made in a time where technology didn’t rule the creativity. Things still made by hand or with very little machines. The wonders these items created and the aww in how they were crafted. The mastery in how they worked when you felt they never would. 

Take the typewriter for instance. The main tool for writers for eras long ago, sat along side their pen and paper. If they could afford such a wonderful tool. The takes of how writers would penny pinch to save up for such a tool, so they could write a book or a short story. To create something powerful to share with the world. 

Then you think of how we do things now. Hunting for the next like, the next heart, the next ding on our phone. Then next thing that will excite us, that floats away in the same moment as it showed up. I would love an antique typewriter even though I wouldn’t even begin to know how it truly works. To sit there inspired by all the writing that was once done on through it, by the people who created this life for me. I would aww at its beauty and long to write on it. It would spark a craving inside me that only it would truly satisfy. 

Could you imagine listening to the noise something like that makes, knowing with each sound of the keys, you where making your mark on paper and the world? I wonder how glorious that would feel. How it would be to tape into the legacy of such an amazing piece of work.

Yes I view some antique things as a piece of art and in their own right they have earned it. They have earned to be called art because of the craftsmanship and skill it took to create such an amazing piece of equipment. Some may feel that with all the advances we have made in the world, how anyone could view items from the past in such a way. You see, I admire something created by hand, where someone worked with the gifts whey were given to creat such a masterpiece. The skills that it took to make something so amazing for its time are astonishing.

What do you think about things like this? Do you think they are masterpieces or do you view them as junk? Share your thoughts and lets have a conversation. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you enjoyed seeing into a piece of me and how I view things in the world. As always, take care of yourselves and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman

Never Stop Learning!


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Never stop learning is a motto I have had for a while now. It became something I strived for everyday. To never stop learning, either learn something new, or learn to do something better. Growing up this was something that did not interest me at all. I never strived to do anything more than I was required to do to get the grades I needed to pass. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I adopted this motto. Had I thought about this when I was younger, I would be further along in my learning. However, I don’t think I would have been as focused as I am now.

They are correct in that you are never to old to learn something new. I often feel overwhelmed and that I don’t have enough time to learn all that I am trying to learn. To get past this I remind myself that my days are limited and that I just have to learn as much as I can in the time that I have. This is not something I think of as dark, its just something that keeps me focused on learning something new. I also find that it is easier to learn something new if you are passionate about what you are trying to learn.

I am currently learning what it takes to make movies, short films and write screenplays. This is a lot of information and it feels very overwhelming and daunting at times. I just take it one page at a time and one subject at a time. I hope to have a short film created soon. The other thing I have been learning is how to be a great leader. The shocking thing about this subject is that I was not passionate about it when I first started learning about it. 

Simon Sinek sparked a passionate in me that too my by surprise. It is not that I didn’t want to become a great leader, I just didn’t feel very passionate about the subject. However, after reading his first two books, Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last. These books have sparked a passion to want to learn as much as I can about being a great leader. I hope to share that journey with you. 

What are you currently learning? Is it something new? Is it something you are passionate about? Stop by and share. I would love to hear about what you are learning. As always take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman

Leadership Part 2


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

I know I have written on leadership before, but I am learning so much about leadership for Simon Sinek. The amount of information that I am learning has been great. It has opened me up to so many things that I didn’t know about leadership. Things that I thought were wrong about leaders, as well as changing things that I thought made a great leader. The one surprising thing that I didn’t expect to learn about is how business’ are run. The things that I am learning about the American standard of running business is quite disturbing.

The many reason it is disturbing, is because I can actually see it now. Before I didn’t know enough about businesses to see how they are ran, yet now I do. Even some of the greatest company's in the word still fall into the trap of how businesses are run these days. This is a scary thing and I do not feel that great about how America runs business.

How do you feel about business’ these days? Do you feel they have your best interest in mind? Do you feel they are watching over you and protecting you? Or do you feel like a lot of people in the working world, where the company's they work for don’t care about them at all? How do we change this?

I am not sure how to change it, but I know it starts with me being a better leader and doing things right. I am not talking right as in making sure the job is done right. I am talking about doing things right on a moral and ethical basis. That I look out for all people in the company and that I do my best to make the right choices that are in the best interest of the people that I am leading. There is no other way to do business. 

How are you helping each other today? Are you leading by example of what it takes to be a good leader? If you are thank you for joining me in changing the way businesses are lead. If you are not, maybe it is time to join in and be the leader that you are meant to be. It's Time For Change! 

As always, please take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by Colton Duke on UnSplash

Peace... How do you find peace in times like these. There is so much going on that peace seems to be the hardest thing to find. There are many ways to find it, but do any of those actually help in times like these. I am not sure how to find peace with all the chaos going on in my own life and in the world. 

I hope that people can come to my blog and find things that help them and to know that they are not along. Feel free to join the conversation or start a new one. I hope you find peace and joy in your life this weekend and all of next week. 

As always take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by Jill Heyer on Upsplash

Yesterday I was thinking about what to post about today and even though I am sitting here attempting to write this post, I am not sure what to write about. I could write about anything and everything. Thoughts going on in my head to goals I have in life. Yet when I sit here thinking about what to write about, I am not sure if what I am thinking or my goals in life add real value to anyone reading. 

In the current times that we are living in and the political arena that we are watching, how does one write anything that will add value to another persons life? I think the bigger thing to think about is that we don’t know what or if what we are writing is going to add value to anyone's life. That is not up to the writer, it is up to the reader on if what I am writing adds value to their life. 

That can be a struggle for a writer who wants to add value to the world. The constant not knowing if what we are writing is anything other then just words on the page. We can struggle with the following. 

  1. Is my writing good enough?

  2. Does it add value?

  3. Is the story I am trying to tell worth a damn?

We can also struggle with our writing being good enough, adding value and the story we are telling being worthy. We can sometimes let that go to our heads and let the temporary pleasures of writing something truly amazing go to our head. We can let all the good and negative temptations into our mind. These can cause both good and bad things to happen. 

I am not saying this happens to all of us or if it truly happens at all. It's just some of the inter battles that I have in my mind most days when it comes to writing. Some of those same battles are about life in general. I have to remind myself that I don’t get to decide these factors about my writing. That is decided by the reader and if they read decides to even read my writing. I just have to tell the story because I love telling stories and remember that I am an professional writer. In being a professional writer. I must do the work and without the work there is nothing. 

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this bit of transparency. Feel free to reach out to me and as always take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by Aron Visuals on Upsplash

There are so many definitions of Lost. Below you will find nine of them. Some of us including myself have felt lost in many of the ways defined below. There is a lot of information out there in the world regarding this subject, but I have yet to find a way not to feel lost one way or another. I don’t think there is a book out there that can truly explain how to not feel lost. Lost is something we all feel in one way or the other. 

During times like this pandemic there are a lot of us feeling more lost then we have in a long time. This can be very difficult to overcome. I could tell you there are ways to overcome this and there are. I am sure you know things you can do to overcome these feelings. It can be very difficult to see the progress of overcoming these feelings when there is no end in site of the current state of the world. Do not give up!

Definition of lost

1 : not made use of, won, or claimed

a lost opportunity

2a : no longer possessed

a lost reputation

b : no longer known

a lost tunnel

3 : ruined or destroyed physically or morally : DESPERATE

a lost soul

4a : taken away or beyond reach or attainment : DENIED

regions lost to the faith


lost to shame

5a : unable to find the way

b : no longer visible

lost in the crowd

c : lacking assurance or self-confidence : HELPLESS

lost without his glasses


lost in reverie

7 : not appreciated or understood : WASTED

their jokes were lost on me

8 : obscured or overlooked during a process or activity

lost in translation

9 : hopelessly unattainable : FUTILE

a lost cause

If you are feeling lost or just need someone to talk to. Feel free to reach out and lets talk. We are all in this together. As always, take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman

Not letting the Resistance Win!


Photo by Magnet.me on Upsplash

I am not sure what to write about today. There is so many crazy ideas going on in my head. There are so many things that I want to do. Most of them a distraction from what I really want to be doing. Yet they occupy my mind and my thoughts more often than not. These random things that don’t have an end goal or things that don’t hold a lot of meaning in my life. These things keeping me distracted from the things that I want to be doing. 

These is what Steven Pressfield calls the resistance and the more I think about what I really want to be doing, the more these things come up and take away from my goals on getting to the thing that I want. I have to remind myself now that I see this more clearly that I am on the right path and that I need to stay the course. I need to make a plan of action, set goals and start completing the goals and tasks to reach the end goal that I want.

I need to make sure that I keep a close eye on the things that distract me from my goal and remove them out of my life as soon as they are spotted. To stay focused and work towards the things that I want and not let anything get in the way. 

Do you struggle with this? Is this something that you see happening in your life? I would suggest reading some of Steven’s books. They have helped me more than I thought they would. If you do read one of his books, come back and lets talk about it. I look forward to hearing from you. As always, take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by NASA on Upsplash

The world is crazy right now. Between all the things going on in the government. The injustice that we are seeing in the world, the killings that are happening and the pandemic. The world feels like it is on fire. I am not sure how other countries are looking at us right now. Some maybe looking at us like its our turn to go through all of this. Others my not care at all. I don’t know as I live in America. The things that I see and hear are not new to me. They are not shocking in anyway. 

I haven’t always lived in the greatest areas of town and I am used to seeing what is going on in the world on a regular basis. The more shocking thing is that some people in America think this is something new. It is only in your face because we are more able to share the events in our lives. Through social media we are able to see the things that are going on around us out in the open. 

Yet there are still people in America oblivious to what is going on around them or they don’t care at all. That is one of the scariest things in America. There are a lot of people that just don’t care. They don’t care about anyone on the planet. 

I could go on and about the things that are going on in America right now, but I would like to open up my blog to YOU! Let's start a conversation and lets work on being better human beings. Come join in on the conversation and lets work together to make America our home. Because that is what it is to every America that lives here. This is home and it hasn’t felt like home to many of us for a very very long time.


As always take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Upsplash

Over the course of my life I have had may friends. Some very close and some not very close. A lot of these friendships I no longer have or I have ended for one reason or another. Sometimes I wonder why it is some hard to keep friends or make friends. If the definition below is the key to what friendship is. Then how to we find that in others more often?

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association, and has been studied in academic fields such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.

In this time in our life's it can be very difficult to make true friends. The world is much different today then it was when I was growing up. We are connected in some many ways and yet we are disconnected in so many ways. I am not sure how to make true lasting friendships during this time in my life, but I am seeking to make those connections the best I can. 

Sometimes we need to put down the phone, get off social media and have a true connection with people. Who are you connecting with today? Are you having a true connection? Is it time to call someone and let them know you care? If you answer yes to any of these questions feel free to drop me a line and let's connect. 

As always take care for yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photo by Prateek Katyal on Upsplash

Does the definition of the word motivation actually motivate you to do something? I think everyone has a different definition of what actually motivates them. I think motivation is a personal thing and the things that motivate me don’t motivate others. That is the reason motivation is difficult to instill in others. We must find out what motivates others to truly motivate them. 

Definition of motivation

1a : the act or process of motivating

Some students need motivation to help them through school.

b : the condition of being motivated

employees who lack motivation

2 : a motivating force, stimulus, or influence : INCENTIVE, DRIVE

the Old Testament heroes added religious motivation to the waging of war

— Richard Humble

The fear of failure was the motivation for his achievements.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside us. We do it because we are impelled to, for example because we are told to by someone who has power over us.

Many employment motivation systems work on the principle of extrinsic reward, where people are 'bought' and then commanded. Whilst this is effective for simple activities, it is less useful when you want a person to be self-driven.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is done for internal reasons, for example to align with values or simply for the hedonistic pleasure of doing something.

In work, people are intrinsically motivated by working for an inspiring leader or in areas where they have a personal interest.

Introjected Motivation

Introjected motivation is similar to intrinsic motivation in that it is internalized. The distinctive aspect of this is that if it is not done, then the person feels the tension of guilt.

Identified Motivation

Identified motivation is where a person knows that something needs doing but has not yet decided to do anything about it.

Does the information above help you with being motivated? Or is there another reason you are motivated? Feel free to comment about what motivates you and how you are staying motivated during these difficult times. As always take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman


Photo by Keegan Houser on Upsplash

Photo by Keegan Houser on Upsplash

I was going to write something this morning about the subject below. I was going to publish it this morning. Then I told myself that I needed to do more research on the subject, but when I got home this afternoon and started thinking about the research and the world we are living in at the moment. That the below subject can be a very dangerous thing right now. 

Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, i.e., lack of contact with people. It may stem from bad relationships, loss of loved ones, deliberate choice, infectious disease, mental disorders, neurological disorders or circumstances of employment or situation.

A lot of us are in a state of solitude due to the pandemic and a few of are not. Either way the life we are living right now can be both dangerous and healthy. The choice is ours. Feel free to stop by and have a conversation. Reach out to the people and connect. Stay healthy and remember take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman

Social Media Apps and iPhone Screen Layout

Photo by Thom Bradley on Upsplash

Photo by Thom Bradley on Upsplash

I have had the new widget layout on my phone, no social media apps on my phone, for a week as publishing this post. I have all my badges turned off except on the three main apps that I have on my iPhone dock. I have noticed two things. 

  1. I am less distracted by social media apps

  2. I still find myself looking at my phone through out the day

It is good not to be distracted by social media apps all day long and I have still checked them once or twice a day through the browser. This allows me to keep focused on work and more important things in my life. 

The second one I think I still do out of habit of checking my phone all the time and I expect that will lessen with time. I hope that is the case as the days go on with this new setup. So with the widget for all the important things like, music, screen time and weather. I also have a widget that I can scroll through all of my Apple ShortCuts. 

In my dock I have only three apps. Things, Drafts and iMessenger. This allows me to have my task manager at hand, a place to take down needed notes and the ability to stay in touch with the people that matter to me. Some might wonder how does one live without the phone app on your Home Screen. The thing is with iMessenger I have the ability to call within that app. This saves me from having to have the phone app in the dock. 

This setup has been working wonders on keeping me focused at work and with my writing. The question you may be having is, will this setup work for you? I cannot answer that. Each person has different needs for their phone and different things they want to keep focus on. I think there is a minimalist setup for everyone depending on what they need to focus on.

Only you can decide which setup is right for you. If you are looking forward to iOS14 and the features that it will have. The beta can be installed now or you can wait until the release. I am enjoying the new iOS and the lack of social media apps. If you want to know more about how I am making this work feel free to reach out to me. I will be bringing more information on how my phone setup changes as third party apps adapted to the new iOS. 

Until then feel free to start a conversation or join in on one. As always, take care for yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman

Social Media Apps


Photo by Merakist on Upsplash

So I decided after a few hours of having my new iPhone layout with iOS14 to remove all social media apps from my phone. Yes your read that right all off them. Facebook, Facebook Messenger app, Facebook Page manager app, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Learning, Instagram and the WhatsApp. 

Some of these apps I wasn’t even really using. Others I was using though out most of my day, every day. So I decided that I was going to purge them all. Some reading this would think I am crazy. How can you be connected without them. To that point I will say that I check these sites through the browser. 

I am not sure if this is something that I am going to continue to do, but it is something that I need to step back from and really think about what I post, read or view on these sites. I need to make sure that what I post has the potential to add value. I need to make sure what I am reading is going to add value to my life and I need to make sure what I am viewing is actually something that is going to spark my creativity.

With all the information out there and all the things I can read and look at. I needed to take the time to make sure it is adding value to my life. At the moment it is not and that is why the apps needed to go. If I find that I am getting value out of one of the apps, at that point, I will decide if it is something that I want on my phone. 

There may be some out there wondering if they should do the same. I can’t make that decision for you. You have to look at it and ask yourself, are you getting any value out of it. If it is causing anxiety, stress or lack of concentration. Then maybe, just maybe, it might be time to take a social media break. You don’t have to completely get rid of social media. You always have the ability to check it in a browser, but you may need to remove it from your phone. 

The notifications that are popping up might be the biggest cause of interruption in your life. If you find that you are getting interrupted way to much through out the day. Think about what is causing those interruptions and decide if there is something that needs to go away, change or maybe you just need to turn off the notifications on some apps on your phone.

Think about it and decide if a social media break is what you could use right now. Go on a social media vacation per say and live a little, see where it leads. You might find that you want the apps in your life or that you don’t need them at all. Either way if fine, but it is always good to step away from time to time. Reevaluate what is missing or what is too much in your life. Let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing from you. 

As always, take care of yourself and each other!

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David Lehman David Lehman

iPhone Home Screen

Photography by Luis Cortés on Upsplash

Photography by Luis Cortés on Upsplash

Day two of the new layout on my phone. I still find myself trying to click on the apps or at least looking for the apps that were once there. This is the biggest change to my phone layout in years and it is taking sometime to get used to it. The apps that I am so used to using are no longer at my finger tips and they are no long a distraction. 

I think then not being a distraction out weights then being at my finger tips. I am less likely to waist time with them or see the badge and feel compelled to check them. Leaving me more time to work on the things that matter to me. 

I think between how I have my phone and iPad setup now, that I am able to be more focused on the things that I want to do. I think this is going to help in the long run and I need to build a workflow around how these devices are setup now. 

Having apps no longer distract me is going to be a good thing. It's going to help me focus more on writing and less on things that don't benefit my writing. I hope that I am able to make these changes work into my workflow. There are now a lot of apps that I need to get used to using as well on how to use them more efficiently. 

I still have the habit of looking at my phone to check the apps that I was once checking. The badges have been turned off so I don't even check them when I actually open my phone. I Waite for the notification to come to the screen. It is nice not being distracted by apps all day long. I actually might be deleting some of my apps here soon. 

I know there is a lot of apps on my phone that I know that I can remove because I am not using them or I don't use them very much at all. I really need to strop having apps on my phone that I don't really use. There is no point in hoarding apps. I just have to see which ones I want to get rid of. 

Until this sentence and beyond I have been writing this post within the Drafts app on my iPhone. With the changes to my iPhone’s homepage it has allowed me to make quick notes or full blog posts within Drafts right from my phone. I didn’t expect that to happen but I am glad I have been able to write off and on most of the day on this post. 

This will not be published until Wednesday and by that time I will have already been using the new layout on my phone for three days. So far I have been enjoying the very less cluttered Home Screen and the ability to focus on my writing more though out the day. 

With iOS 14 coming out shortly and already out in beta, yes there are some bugs in the beta, the only thing I would suggest is that with all the changes. Think of how you want your Home Screen to look with the addition of widgets. I know there are some Android users out there thinking Android phones have had widgets for years. That is very true and I have enjoyed them on the few Android phones I have used. 

The new iOS 14 is the chance to make a very needed change to your iPhone’s Home Screen and to make changes to how the phone works for you. I would also look into ShortCuts. This has been a feature that has been out for some time, but a feature that I did not use until now. I don’t think I could go through my day without shortcuts now. 

Are the changes in iOS 14 right for you? Only you can say for sure. I however, have found that the new changes are working great for me and I look forward to how third party apps work with the new iOS. Give it a try in the beta or wait for it to be released later this year. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new iOS. As always feel free to join the conversation or start one. 

Please remember to take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman



Photography by Przemyslaw Marczynski on Upsplash

This is the first time I have changed the layout of my phone since I have owned the iPhone 4s. I have always setup my phone to have the needed apps at my finger tips. However, with the added widgets on the Home Screen and being able to turn off other home screens. The changes I have made to my Home Screen as well as how the apps are laid out are totally different.

I am not sure if this setup is going to work for me, but so far it is a lot less crowded on my Home Screen and I have to search for apps that I want to use. Making me second guess using them. I think this will help me to decide which apps I really need on my phone. 

I know there are a lot of apps that I have on my phone that I am actually not using and this layout is going to help me know for sure. That way I can delete the apps I am not actually using.

So with iOS 14 beta there are so many new changes that I am excited about. The widgets I wasn't very excited about at first, but now it is the only thing on my Home Screen. A lot of how my phone is setup now, I have learned from Christopher Lawley. 

The Shortcuts widget on my homepage along with another widget that has weather, battery status and other apps that I check daily. All other apps are on a hidden Home Screen. This has made my Home Screen very streamlined. It prevents me from accessing apps that waist my time.

There are so many changes in the new iOS for the iPhone. If you want to know more about these changes I would look at Christopher Lawley's website. theuntitledsite.com or on the Apple website. One of them that I might start using in addition to the widget app is the pin iMessage chats to the top of your iMessage list. I am not really sure that is one that is useful to me. I still think it is a pretty cool feature.

I am really enjoying the Picture in Picture on the new iOS. It really helps when watching a movie or FaceTime and still needing to do other things. I haven’t used that feature much, but I know there are a lot of iPhone users really looking forward to a feature like that. If YouTube would to that as well it would be great. That way the video doesn’t stop when I am trying to search for something or look up something. 

There are some rumored features that are supposed to be coming in the next AirPod firmware update that I am looking forward to. One of them is being that is you are playing music on your iPad and you answer a call on your iPhone that the AirPods will automatically switch to the phone call and when you are done they will switch back. I think this is going to be one of the more useful feature to me. It will give me a reason to always use my AirPods. 

Which features would you like the most? That would depend on your needs and what you look for in a phone's OS. I can say the changes in the new iOS are amazing so far and I am learning how to make them work in my workflow. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the ones you like the most. Please feel free to start or join the conversation. As always take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman

VDub Lifestyle


Photography by Giovanni Ribeiro on Upsplash

The VDub lifestyle, the hippie lifestyle or freedom. However you wish to define it. If you have ever owned a classic VW you might relate to the love hate relationship with your VDub. You love the damn thing when it is running like it should and you want to burn it to the ground when it is not. You know that lifestyle if you have lived it. You can’t leave it behind and it calls to you like the open road. It beckons you to drop everything you are doing and everything that you have and head out on the open road. 

It is also one of the greatest groups of people I have ever met. They look out for each other and they are always willing to help. Good food and good VDub’s and you have yourself a family. Here you will find people from all walks of life that have something deeply in common with each other. A bond like so many other things, yet so different that most people who see it from the outside do not understand. 

There is no explaining the passion or calling of the VDub lifestyle and there is not way to show you what it is like. The lifestyle is just freedom. Windows wide open, car full of people, or bus, and the open road with like minded individuals. There is no feeling like it and I can’t explain it. If you are part of the VDub lifestyle you get it and if you are not part of it you may never get it.

We are who we are and we gather together in a bond stronger than most families, because of our love for the lifestyle and the heritage that owning a classic VDub adds to our life. There are so many reasons to love a VDub and so many reasons to hate it. I can tell you though there is very few things that are like being behind the wheel of a VW. 

My Beetle is the most exciting thing I have driven next to when I owned a motorcycle. There is nothing like driving a Classic VBub, people love the car and want to talk to you about it. They want to see in it and they long for the lifestyle. The car has allowed me to meet so many great people. 

If you ever get a chance to join in on the VDub lifestyle, I would recommend it. The people are amazing and the cars are just as amazing. There is nothing greater than hanging out with other VDub owners and talking about all the cars they have owned over the years. The history they provide is one of a kind.

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David Lehman David Lehman

Thoughts inside

Photography by Andy Li on Upsplash

Photography by Andy Li on Upsplash

Some people think totally different things about you. Some people think you are conceited, some people thing you are self center and some people get the impression that you think you are better than everyone else. Sometimes we hear that and wonder if it is true. It could be very true or it could be the farthest from the truth. 

We could be thinking inside our own head that we don’t amount to anything, that no one cares for us and that we are going to fail at everything we do. These thoughts go through my head more times then the positive thoughts. These are the things I think about more than anything else. The constant fear inside my head that I am not good enough, I am not strong enough or that I am going to fail. 

The problem is when we truly start believing those thoughts. That is when we become weak, when we aren’t good enough and when we will fail. Yes sometimes we will fail, sometimes we will not be good enough and sometimes we will be weak. Those are part of life. The things we are not good enough at we can learn to be better at. The areas of life that we are weak in we can grow stronger in. There are times when we will fail and as long as we take failure as a step to learning to be better we will always continue to grow. 

As Trent Shelton said, “I know it hurts when the ones you love the most end up supporting you the least. Please understand their lack of support has nothing to do with your level of success. I know you want their support, but trust me...you don't need their support. Straight Up.”

This is a good reminder that you do not need the support of others to strive to be your best. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be better, to try new things and to work hard at something you love. You only need good habits, a drive to go after what you want and a mentor to help you along the way. Someone on the same path a little further ahead to shine a light and help you grow. 

Don't let the thoughts of others cloud your true inner voice, the child that longs for the things you need in life. Don’t let others define who you are and what you want to be. They don’t get to tell you who you are or what you are going to be. Only you get to decide that. Take charge of your life and the way you want it to go. This is your life and you get to decide where it takes you. Feel free to start or join the conversation. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your growth along the way. 

As always, take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman


Music is such a magical creation. The ability to drift way from all the things you are thinking about and focus just on the sound of the music. To get lost in the magic that it creates. To totally loose yourself into a relaxation like no other. There is always some song to listen to or feel even if you can’t hear the words. Music touches the soul like nothing else on this planet. Enjoy the music and dance like not one is looking.

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David Lehman David Lehman


Photography by Rob Walsh on Upsplash

Photography by Rob Walsh on Upsplash

There is a lot of information out there about how to be a leader and what it takes to be a leader. A lot of that information has never really connected with me because a lot of it feels directed towards being a boss or a manager. That is not something I want to be or what I was looking for. I was looking for information on how to be a leader. 

I don’t want to boss people or manage people. I want to lead them. Leading people is a lot different than being their boss or their manager. So what makes a good leader? What does it take to be a great leader? I am not 100% sure, but I am learning so much from Simon Sinek and I feel that I am on the right path with his books, his speeches and his podcast. 

The underlining thing that I have seen though out all the information I have read so far, is to be the leader that you want in your company or your life. To be that person you wish had lead you and learn on the way. There is a lot of information out there and there are a lot of books. The true question is are you willing to do what it takes to be that leader? 

When I became a lead at my company there was some training but I feel that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted more, I want more for my coworkers and I want more for myself. I want to be the leader they need and in choosing to be that leader I knew there was a lot that I have to learn. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t always know where to find all the answers.

I just know that I want to do the best that I can at learning what it takes to be a great leader. I want to do this. If you want to be a great leader than be one. Do the work to find out what it takes to be one and keep learning. Be a student of leadership and you will find the answers you are seeking. 

When you find something that inspires you and excites you. Feel free to stop by and share here on my page. You are always welcome to join in the conversation and add your insight and knowledge. I look forward to hearing from you and watching us all grow together.

As always, take care of yourself and each other.

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David Lehman David Lehman

Becoming Legendary

You don’t become legendary by accident, you become legendary by being intentional. Get clear on what you want for your life. Get clear on what you’re no longer going to accept. Get clear on what you’re no longer going to settle for. Clarity will change your life. - Trent Shelton

The statement above will mean different things to different people. These are things that I am thinking about and I am working on getting clear about. I am pretty clear on what I want from life and I am pretty clear on what I am no longer going to accept. Yet I still have a lot of work to do. As the statement says. It is time to get clear on what we want out of life, what we are not longer going to accept or settle for. It is time to put that into practice.

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