

Photo by NASA on Upsplash

The world is crazy right now. Between all the things going on in the government. The injustice that we are seeing in the world, the killings that are happening and the pandemic. The world feels like it is on fire. I am not sure how other countries are looking at us right now. Some maybe looking at us like its our turn to go through all of this. Others my not care at all. I don’t know as I live in America. The things that I see and hear are not new to me. They are not shocking in anyway. 

I haven’t always lived in the greatest areas of town and I am used to seeing what is going on in the world on a regular basis. The more shocking thing is that some people in America think this is something new. It is only in your face because we are more able to share the events in our lives. Through social media we are able to see the things that are going on around us out in the open. 

Yet there are still people in America oblivious to what is going on around them or they don’t care at all. That is one of the scariest things in America. There are a lot of people that just don’t care. They don’t care about anyone on the planet. 

I could go on and about the things that are going on in America right now, but I would like to open up my blog to YOU! Let's start a conversation and lets work on being better human beings. Come join in on the conversation and lets work together to make America our home. Because that is what it is to every America that lives here. This is home and it hasn’t felt like home to many of us for a very very long time.


As always take care of yourself and each other!


Not letting the Resistance Win!

