VDub Lifestyle


Photography by Giovanni Ribeiro on Upsplash

The VDub lifestyle, the hippie lifestyle or freedom. However you wish to define it. If you have ever owned a classic VW you might relate to the love hate relationship with your VDub. You love the damn thing when it is running like it should and you want to burn it to the ground when it is not. You know that lifestyle if you have lived it. You can’t leave it behind and it calls to you like the open road. It beckons you to drop everything you are doing and everything that you have and head out on the open road. 

It is also one of the greatest groups of people I have ever met. They look out for each other and they are always willing to help. Good food and good VDub’s and you have yourself a family. Here you will find people from all walks of life that have something deeply in common with each other. A bond like so many other things, yet so different that most people who see it from the outside do not understand. 

There is no explaining the passion or calling of the VDub lifestyle and there is not way to show you what it is like. The lifestyle is just freedom. Windows wide open, car full of people, or bus, and the open road with like minded individuals. There is no feeling like it and I can’t explain it. If you are part of the VDub lifestyle you get it and if you are not part of it you may never get it.

We are who we are and we gather together in a bond stronger than most families, because of our love for the lifestyle and the heritage that owning a classic VDub adds to our life. There are so many reasons to love a VDub and so many reasons to hate it. I can tell you though there is very few things that are like being behind the wheel of a VW. 

My Beetle is the most exciting thing I have driven next to when I owned a motorcycle. There is nothing like driving a Classic VBub, people love the car and want to talk to you about it. They want to see in it and they long for the lifestyle. The car has allowed me to meet so many great people. 

If you ever get a chance to join in on the VDub lifestyle, I would recommend it. The people are amazing and the cars are just as amazing. There is nothing greater than hanging out with other VDub owners and talking about all the cars they have owned over the years. The history they provide is one of a kind.




Thoughts inside