

Photo by Aron Visuals on Upsplash

There are so many definitions of Lost. Below you will find nine of them. Some of us including myself have felt lost in many of the ways defined below. There is a lot of information out there in the world regarding this subject, but I have yet to find a way not to feel lost one way or another. I don’t think there is a book out there that can truly explain how to not feel lost. Lost is something we all feel in one way or the other. 

During times like this pandemic there are a lot of us feeling more lost then we have in a long time. This can be very difficult to overcome. I could tell you there are ways to overcome this and there are. I am sure you know things you can do to overcome these feelings. It can be very difficult to see the progress of overcoming these feelings when there is no end in site of the current state of the world. Do not give up!

Definition of lost

1 : not made use of, won, or claimed

a lost opportunity

2a : no longer possessed

a lost reputation

b : no longer known

a lost tunnel

3 : ruined or destroyed physically or morally : DESPERATE

a lost soul

4a : taken away or beyond reach or attainment : DENIED

regions lost to the faith


lost to shame

5a : unable to find the way

b : no longer visible

lost in the crowd

c : lacking assurance or self-confidence : HELPLESS

lost without his glasses


lost in reverie

7 : not appreciated or understood : WASTED

their jokes were lost on me

8 : obscured or overlooked during a process or activity

lost in translation

9 : hopelessly unattainable : FUTILE

a lost cause

If you are feeling lost or just need someone to talk to. Feel free to reach out and lets talk. We are all in this together. As always, take care of yourself and each other.




Not letting the Resistance Win!