

Photo by Jill Heyer on Upsplash

Yesterday I was thinking about what to post about today and even though I am sitting here attempting to write this post, I am not sure what to write about. I could write about anything and everything. Thoughts going on in my head to goals I have in life. Yet when I sit here thinking about what to write about, I am not sure if what I am thinking or my goals in life add real value to anyone reading. 

In the current times that we are living in and the political arena that we are watching, how does one write anything that will add value to another persons life? I think the bigger thing to think about is that we don’t know what or if what we are writing is going to add value to anyone's life. That is not up to the writer, it is up to the reader on if what I am writing adds value to their life. 

That can be a struggle for a writer who wants to add value to the world. The constant not knowing if what we are writing is anything other then just words on the page. We can struggle with the following. 

  1. Is my writing good enough?

  2. Does it add value?

  3. Is the story I am trying to tell worth a damn?

We can also struggle with our writing being good enough, adding value and the story we are telling being worthy. We can sometimes let that go to our heads and let the temporary pleasures of writing something truly amazing go to our head. We can let all the good and negative temptations into our mind. These can cause both good and bad things to happen. 

I am not saying this happens to all of us or if it truly happens at all. It's just some of the inter battles that I have in my mind most days when it comes to writing. Some of those same battles are about life in general. I have to remind myself that I don’t get to decide these factors about my writing. That is decided by the reader and if they read decides to even read my writing. I just have to tell the story because I love telling stories and remember that I am an professional writer. In being a professional writer. I must do the work and without the work there is nothing. 

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this bit of transparency. Feel free to reach out to me and as always take care of yourself and each other!



