Social Media Apps
So I decided after a few hours of having my new iPhone layout with iOS14 to remove all social media apps from my phone. Yes your read that right all off them. Facebook, Facebook Messenger app, Facebook Page manager app, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Learning, Instagram and the WhatsApp.
Some of these apps I wasn’t even really using. Others I was using though out most of my day, every day. So I decided that I was going to purge them all. Some reading this would think I am crazy. How can you be connected without them. To that point I will say that I check these sites through the browser.
I am not sure if this is something that I am going to continue to do, but it is something that I need to step back from and really think about what I post, read or view on these sites. I need to make sure that what I post has the potential to add value. I need to make sure what I am reading is going to add value to my life and I need to make sure what I am viewing is actually something that is going to spark my creativity.
With all the information out there and all the things I can read and look at. I needed to take the time to make sure it is adding value to my life. At the moment it is not and that is why the apps needed to go. If I find that I am getting value out of one of the apps, at that point, I will decide if it is something that I want on my phone.
There may be some out there wondering if they should do the same. I can’t make that decision for you. You have to look at it and ask yourself, are you getting any value out of it. If it is causing anxiety, stress or lack of concentration. Then maybe, just maybe, it might be time to take a social media break. You don’t have to completely get rid of social media. You always have the ability to check it in a browser, but you may need to remove it from your phone.
The notifications that are popping up might be the biggest cause of interruption in your life. If you find that you are getting interrupted way to much through out the day. Think about what is causing those interruptions and decide if there is something that needs to go away, change or maybe you just need to turn off the notifications on some apps on your phone.
Think about it and decide if a social media break is what you could use right now. Go on a social media vacation per say and live a little, see where it leads. You might find that you want the apps in your life or that you don’t need them at all. Either way if fine, but it is always good to step away from time to time. Reevaluate what is missing or what is too much in your life. Let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing from you.
As always, take care of yourself and each other!