Does the definition of the word motivation actually motivate you to do something? I think everyone has a different definition of what actually motivates them. I think motivation is a personal thing and the things that motivate me don’t motivate others. That is the reason motivation is difficult to instill in others. We must find out what motivates others to truly motivate them.
Definition of motivation
1a : the act or process of motivating
Some students need motivation to help them through school.
b : the condition of being motivated
employees who lack motivation
2 : a motivating force, stimulus, or influence : INCENTIVE, DRIVE
the Old Testament heroes added religious motivation to the waging of war
— Richard Humble
The fear of failure was the motivation for his achievements.
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation comes from outside us. We do it because we are impelled to, for example because we are told to by someone who has power over us.
Many employment motivation systems work on the principle of extrinsic reward, where people are 'bought' and then commanded. Whilst this is effective for simple activities, it is less useful when you want a person to be self-driven.
Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation is done for internal reasons, for example to align with values or simply for the hedonistic pleasure of doing something.
In work, people are intrinsically motivated by working for an inspiring leader or in areas where they have a personal interest.
Introjected Motivation
Introjected motivation is similar to intrinsic motivation in that it is internalized. The distinctive aspect of this is that if it is not done, then the person feels the tension of guilt.
Identified Motivation
Identified motivation is where a person knows that something needs doing but has not yet decided to do anything about it.
Does the information above help you with being motivated? Or is there another reason you are motivated? Feel free to comment about what motivates you and how you are staying motivated during these difficult times. As always take care of yourself and each other!