Leadership Part 2
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash
I know I have written on leadership before, but I am learning so much about leadership for Simon Sinek. The amount of information that I am learning has been great. It has opened me up to so many things that I didn’t know about leadership. Things that I thought were wrong about leaders, as well as changing things that I thought made a great leader. The one surprising thing that I didn’t expect to learn about is how business’ are run. The things that I am learning about the American standard of running business is quite disturbing.
The many reason it is disturbing, is because I can actually see it now. Before I didn’t know enough about businesses to see how they are ran, yet now I do. Even some of the greatest company's in the word still fall into the trap of how businesses are run these days. This is a scary thing and I do not feel that great about how America runs business.
How do you feel about business’ these days? Do you feel they have your best interest in mind? Do you feel they are watching over you and protecting you? Or do you feel like a lot of people in the working world, where the company's they work for don’t care about them at all? How do we change this?
I am not sure how to change it, but I know it starts with me being a better leader and doing things right. I am not talking right as in making sure the job is done right. I am talking about doing things right on a moral and ethical basis. That I look out for all people in the company and that I do my best to make the right choices that are in the best interest of the people that I am leading. There is no other way to do business.
How are you helping each other today? Are you leading by example of what it takes to be a good leader? If you are thank you for joining me in changing the way businesses are lead. If you are not, maybe it is time to join in and be the leader that you are meant to be. It's Time For Change!
As always, please take care of yourself and each other!