Not letting the Resistance Win!
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I am not sure what to write about today. There is so many crazy ideas going on in my head. There are so many things that I want to do. Most of them a distraction from what I really want to be doing. Yet they occupy my mind and my thoughts more often than not. These random things that don’t have an end goal or things that don’t hold a lot of meaning in my life. These things keeping me distracted from the things that I want to be doing.
These is what Steven Pressfield calls the resistance and the more I think about what I really want to be doing, the more these things come up and take away from my goals on getting to the thing that I want. I have to remind myself now that I see this more clearly that I am on the right path and that I need to stay the course. I need to make a plan of action, set goals and start completing the goals and tasks to reach the end goal that I want.
I need to make sure that I keep a close eye on the things that distract me from my goal and remove them out of my life as soon as they are spotted. To stay focused and work towards the things that I want and not let anything get in the way.
Do you struggle with this? Is this something that you see happening in your life? I would suggest reading some of Steven’s books. They have helped me more than I thought they would. If you do read one of his books, come back and lets talk about it. I look forward to hearing from you. As always, take care of yourself and each other!