Thoughts inside

Photography by Andy Li on Upsplash

Photography by Andy Li on Upsplash

Some people think totally different things about you. Some people think you are conceited, some people thing you are self center and some people get the impression that you think you are better than everyone else. Sometimes we hear that and wonder if it is true. It could be very true or it could be the farthest from the truth. 

We could be thinking inside our own head that we don’t amount to anything, that no one cares for us and that we are going to fail at everything we do. These thoughts go through my head more times then the positive thoughts. These are the things I think about more than anything else. The constant fear inside my head that I am not good enough, I am not strong enough or that I am going to fail. 

The problem is when we truly start believing those thoughts. That is when we become weak, when we aren’t good enough and when we will fail. Yes sometimes we will fail, sometimes we will not be good enough and sometimes we will be weak. Those are part of life. The things we are not good enough at we can learn to be better at. The areas of life that we are weak in we can grow stronger in. There are times when we will fail and as long as we take failure as a step to learning to be better we will always continue to grow. 

As Trent Shelton said, “I know it hurts when the ones you love the most end up supporting you the least. Please understand their lack of support has nothing to do with your level of success. I know you want their support, but trust don't need their support. Straight Up.”

This is a good reminder that you do not need the support of others to strive to be your best. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be better, to try new things and to work hard at something you love. You only need good habits, a drive to go after what you want and a mentor to help you along the way. Someone on the same path a little further ahead to shine a light and help you grow. 

Don't let the thoughts of others cloud your true inner voice, the child that longs for the things you need in life. Don’t let others define who you are and what you want to be. They don’t get to tell you who you are or what you are going to be. Only you get to decide that. Take charge of your life and the way you want it to go. This is your life and you get to decide where it takes you. Feel free to start or join the conversation. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your growth along the way. 

As always, take care of yourself and each other.


VDub Lifestyle

