The flow of the World

The world is always moving.


Photo by Matt Hardy on Upsplash

The awe of the world moving can be breathtaking and even during times like these seem never ending. They have been slowed but not stopped. The world continues above all other things to continue to move. People in the world and places in the world have always moved and still move. We can see our world moving by looking out the window. The cars driving along the road, traffic seems never to end and our world feels tiny in the scheme of things. 

We rush everywhere and never seeming to stop to enjoy the world so remarkable around us. It is hard not to feel lost in all of this. With the holiday right around the corner is it time to start thinking about the way we see the world? Maybe it is just time to slow down for a moment, stop rushing places and enjoy the people in our lives. 

As always, take care fo yourself and each other!



