The thoughts in my head
The negative thoughts in my head about the work I am doing can be very damaging. They whisper to me all sorts of lies about who I am and what I want to be. These thoughts are the same thoughts that most creative people have. The ego playing ticks on us and telling us that if someone is better than there is no point in us doing it. Or worse that if people are better, then we should bring them down because it will be the only way to make us feel good.
These thoughts are the reason I remind myself that if it is important enough to do that I must do it regardless of the negative thoughts in my head and regardless of what people say. I have to remind myself that this is a journey and I will grow and get better the longer I stay the path.
Everyone struggles with these thoughts in life. The question is are you going to let them control you and stop you from living your dream or are you going to push back and do what is needed?