Street Photography

Hello City I live in, thank you for showing me what you have

There is a strong calling to be out in the streets taking pictures of the world around me. There is an equally strong calling to not do it at all. This is the struggle I have every day regarding photography. The same struggle happens with editing the photos I have taken. I know that once I have completed the tasks at hand that I feel better about the process and that fact that I didn’t let the resistance win. The more I fight the resistance the stronger it feels. I must do what it takes to fight the urges not to do what I love to do. The only thing stopping me is myself.

This is what stops us all from completing the things we set out to complete in our lives. We stop ourselves and there is nothing stopping us but us. We need to remember that we must do the things that we want to do in life no matter what it takes. The only way to be who we are meant to be is to do the things that we are meant to do. This goes for any creative outlet we have in life.



