Putting all the pieces together
Working with Ulysses writing app, getting it linked to medium and my blog site has had some challenges and some major successes. I have been able to use a free plugin call Jetpack though my wp-admin site to allow direct publishing to my site. This doesn’t allow me to see comments but it does make posting a lot easier. I was able to publish a short writing I did on the fears that I am dealing with. I know it didn’t have a lot of details about those fears, but I am not at liberty to talk about that right now.
One day soon I will be able to and I will post more about it. So don’t feel that you are being left in the dark for too long. I will keep posting about the things I can and will post about the things I can’t as soon as I am able to.
Going back to Ulysses and blogging, I like how I can write in markup and not have to worry about styling my writing. That all the styling is done right at time of publishing. Using the build in tools that Ulysses has to offer.
I have read a lot about how your post should look when blogging, writing on Medium and other post. I feel that no matter how much I read there is a part of me that thinks all of that gets away from actually writing. All the posts and medium articles about how you should post and what it should look like. The formatting and all the styling. That is is the only way to get viewers.
What happens if I just writing to voice my opinion or how my day is going? What about if I write about what goes on in my life and how I am feeling? Per the instructions on the internet, this would not get people reading my blog or my post. I don’t think that is the case. I think readers come to you for what you have to offer and stay for what you continue to offer.
I think we spend to much time thinking about how were are going to style a blog post or a Medium article, that we miss out on the chance to write and share something with the world. If I had to wait until I get the styling correct, then I would never post anything. Isn’t the main advice that people are talking about is just start? There is no reason to be perfect. That if you wait to be perfect than you will product nothing.
Then why tell me how I should write blog posts or Medium article and not just tell me to write? I feel writing is the part that we are missing. I don’t know if I can write compelling how to’s or articles like that. I think I can write a compelling blog post about the things that I am going through on a daily basis or weekly basis with the hope that someone finds that is helps them get through their day. That is helps people know they are not alone in their struggles.