I have been working on my workflow and how to be more productive. I haven’t been able to wake up early like I wanted to. However, I have been able to wake up on time to get to work without being late. During the challenging times it has been very difficult to want to wake up. The motivation has not been there and it was getting very difficult to wake up and get moving.
Some reading that I have been doing was able to confirm that motivation does not always make you want to get up and moving. Forming good habits and a trigger to get up in the morning is more powerful than motivation to get you up and moving. I have attempted these triggers for a long time, but I have never been able to get them to work. I struggle with them.
When I first started writing this I was wanting to talk about my workflow but this has turned into the things I am struggling with. I could go on about things that I am struggling with because like a lot of people I am still learning to be who I am meant to be and there for I struggle with a lot of things. There are things that I have learned to overcome, there are things that I have learned to be better at and there are things that I am going to get better at.
All these things that I struggle with, one day I will look back on them and realize how far I have come. I will be able to reflect on the things that worked. I will also get to learn from the things that didn’t work. I will use what I have learned to make stronger goals and used what didn’t work to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes.
The benefits to reflecting on things is just that. You learn over time what works and what doesn’t work. Then you can be a better person then the day before. Every day you have the opportunity of grow and learn. We never stop learning and the moment you do stop learning is the day you stop growing.
If I was to tell my younger self what I have learned from this. I would be start learning things outside of school sooner. To know that you will never stop learning and you will never stop needing to learn something. As well as if some part of your life is not where you want it to be to you can learn to change that.
That even if you are good at something you can always practice to be better. That teaching someone else to do something you are good at make you better at what you do. There are people wiling to teach you something they are good at if you are willing to take the time to learn.
Never stop learning and remember everyone is able to teach us something. No one is to young to teach or to old to learn. There is always something new to learn each and every day. We just have to seek out learning new things,