
I have wanted to blog for years and I really did not know where to begin. I still feel that I do not know where to begin. There is some much information on the internet on how you should blog and what you should blog about. How to get readers and how to make money.

Yet no matter how much I attempt to implement those practices into creating a blog, it never happens. I feel lost at what I am supposed to talk about or what I am supposed to share. Leaving me with a feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. How does one truly blog every day? How does one find content to write about everyday?

I am not even sure I can answer those questions but I am pretty sure I can write about something everyday. Something that matters to me, maybe. Something that matters to someone else, maybe, maybe not. I could also follow the post before and just write about anything that comes to mind to share a little insight to who I am and what my life is about.

I could to a lot of things and knowing where to start is half the battle. I think I will just start. Since starting is one of the hardest parts of blogging. It is time to start and blog daily. So here we go. Welcome to the journey and I hope you enjoy the ride. Thank you again for coming. See you tomorrow.


Becoming a better me!


The Journey